Join our facebook group here!

Ooh I need in!

Nutrition is key! I have selected 3 options for each category (all preppable) for you to make. Your main rules - no snacks, no sweets, and no booze!

Low Carb Breakfast 

Lean Mean Lunch


You know your day better than anyone.

When can you REALLY get this workout in? Morning? Evening? Lunchtime? 

Write it down. 


And most importantly, don't quit on yourself!

We created a facebook group JUST for this little 3 day challenge - Jenn and I are both in there! We want to see you succeed!

In addition, tag @hitbodies on instagram so we can see you crush it and share your success

Commit to the 24 Day Shred

I'm ready to commit fully, get me in the #hitfam

Why did I create HIT Bodies?

In 2017 I left Seattle, WA to move to Great Falls, MT. I had been a personal trainer in Washington and built up a pretty solid schedule of clients. They wanted to keep training with me, but I found the "online coaching" to feel so boring. I felt like I was repeating myself a lot and knew I could do better. I also was noticing that my clients were wanting home workouts, many of them were becoming moms or just not wanting to spend even more time away from home after a long day of work. first I was recommending home workout videos I liked and trying to write home workouts. But while I liked them, it wasn't REALLY what I would do for my own workout and it wasn't my ideal pick for them.

As an experiment, I decided to go live. 

I went live and did a booty workout at home. It was killer, and people LOVED it! So I started doing it more, and then I realized THIS was what I wanted to do, I wanted to virtually teach classes. (I know, in 2020 everyone started doing this but I was early on the trend lol)

I decided to ditch my 1:1 online training and create an all inclusive program. I took all the things people loved about my 1:1 coaching and include it for a FRACTION of the price and maximized on the energy and accountability my clients could come together and bring. 

  • New gym workouts every week
  • New home workouts every week
  • Never repeat a workout - that's key - I hate being bored lol
  • Full guides and meal plans on different nutrition approaches so people can pick what works best for them.
  • Accountability teams & the most incredible facebook group to check in on daily

HIT Bodies is a business that has evolved so much since I started it in 2017. I love being able to talk to my clients daily and hear about your weekend plans while we workout. It truly feels like you're all my workout buddies. 

This is perfect for me

Ok Chels, I'm in

I'm ready to commit to the 24 day shred. 

I'm really doing this