Do you struggle with willpower?
Feb 24, 2020Man I can relate to this hard. For so long, I thought I struggled with willpower. But really, I struggled with common sense. I know, harsh. But hear me out.
I wake up and think "I'm going to the gym tonight after work" and then evening comes and I drive home instead of the gym....and then curl up in the couch in my pajamas. #ididthisfor6years
Another common situation is at home, late at night, wanting to eat the oreos in the cabinet and slather them with peanut butter, or make pizza rolls, or whatever....i mean let's be honest we all have our kryptonite.
Oh god - a super common one - it's 2 pm at work and I'm getting a sweet tooth and we are singing happy fucking birthday to someone. I don't even like cake but you KNOW it sounds good at that time.
Are any of us actually surprised by these thoughts or actions? First off, you aren't original. We all do this! But how can we exercise willpower in these situations?? Well - stop yourself from NEEDING willpower. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. I wish I wrote that quote, I didn't, I saw it on instagram. But damn it's accurate.
When you get off work and you're sleepy and want to go home - put your god damn leggings on while still at work, your sports bra and listen to some music that PUMPS YOU UP while you drive STRAIGHT to the gym. Don't wait till you get home to change, don't force yourself to have to choose between workout clothes and loungey comfy clothes. Get out of that environment and separate yourself from temptation!
Late night bingers? Get. The. Bingey. Food. Out. Of. The. House. If you put a recovering cocaine addict in a living room with a cupboard full of cocaine in the nearby kitchen, what do you think is gonna happen? Senor Cocaine is going to make some decisions he's not so proud of the next morning. But if the cocaine aint there, if junk food isn't there, BOOM! Problem solved. (And FYI - some studies show that sugar is even more addicting than cocaine. I personally think it's when you mix sugar & fat together, but whatever, I'll get into that another day)
And for you 2 pm sweet tooth friends - I feel you. There's gotta be a treat that fits your goals that you could plan to enjoy each afternoon. Think ahead, plan ahead! An entire pound of strawberries is only 34c with lots of fiber, thats way better than a god damn piece of cake and it will actually make you full! What if you had a full pound of strawberries afternoon and began craving THAT? (I seriously love strawberries, they are so much more filling than an apple lol)
Long story short - you got this. Willpower is only so strong and will only get you so far, analyzing your own behaviors and simply avoiding temptation is way more effective. Outsmart yourself!
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